Show HN: Hyve Tile, a puzzle game but I can't solve it
22 points
1 month ago
| HN
I created a puzzle game after some recent years of hiatus from game development. It was a puzzle game where you have to assemble a randomized tiles. You can view the preview using eye icon on the top right side. You also can undo your previous step.

I created this game using Unity because I am already familiar with it.

If you encounter the tiles is not randomized, please try recreate the tile again, I don't exactly know why it's happenning.

Thank you

1 month ago
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by you can't solve it, I've been able to solve 3 so far, only one with the hint. Unless you mean provably solve in the fewest steps or something. I'm curious if you could elaborate further on the difficulties you're having with it.
1 month ago
It's a neat game! The mechanics and the general idea is intuitive (all the road joints should connect sensibly). And extremely hard, because it's still an abstract artwork with very minimal constraints.

I think if there was some kind of indication of what the final thing should look like, or an indication if after manipulation a tile is either in the correct spot but wrong rotation, or correct spot and correct rotation, it would go a long way to making the game feel solvable, as you can have a sense of progress.

1 month ago
Interesting concept. Certainly took a bit of head scratching to get the concept, but now starting to solve them. I did get a successful solve that wasn’t correct, some of the roads weren’t connected.

1 month ago
It is a neat game. With a bit of trying you can find some patterns:

* Every tile has two orientations 0 and 180 degrees which allows to cut a lot of possibilities for small fields. * Three tiles can be flipped together, meaning if you have one or two tiles unsolved, your idea won't work out. * Large fields have more solutions.

Sadly I found some bugs:

* World generation does not work correctly: there is an unmovable field (nice idea!) but during generation it gets moved. This makes some puzzles unsolvable. The randomizer should ignore this field. * The undo function has some issues undoing the wrong move or skipping a move. Fully undoing a puzzle does not always result in a solution. If this happens while you're playing you get locked.

1 month ago
> Three tiles can be flipped together

How do you make that happen? I haven't stumbled on that yet. I did discover, after playing for some time, that I don't have to swap adjacent tiles.

1 month ago
I guess @rrobukef means if you flip A and B repeatedly, they just swap positions and reverse orientation each time.

But if you flip A and B, then B and C, then A and C, you get B and C to swap positions without changing their orientations.

1 month ago
Does your puzzle start from an (non-visible) completed state, then you apply to it a random number between 50-100 of random moves/swaps, and then it becomes visible for the player? I mean is it (even) solvable? Or each piece of the puzzle is randomly placed AND randomly oriented, which could make potentially unsolvable?
1 month ago
It's start from completed state and then randomized. I think it's solvable if you can retrace the randomized step (by using undo button)
1 month ago
Sometimes it seems to jumble things back into the original arrangement. A couple times I got a new puzzle where everything was already in the right place. I just clicked the same piece twice and coalesced and solved!

So you might do a check after jumbling to make sure you're not back in the original arrangement. If so, keep jumbling.

Fun puzzle!

1 month ago
It looks a lot like mind-bending 'Knots' game:
1 month ago
omg this game is so satisfying
1 month ago
I like the somewhat minimalistic style of this. However I think you might need to be some sort of delayed gratification masochist to thoroughly enjoyed it!
1 month ago
I'm horrible at these kinds of puzzles, but it's a very clever concept! Nice work!
1 month ago
There’s a tile that I cannot move. It looks like 2 houses 3 trees and one well.
1 month ago
You should be able to click it then click any other tile to swap their positions.

The house tiles are kind of like wildcards since their orientation doesn't seem to matter. They are useful to help flip the orientation of another piece, also with a straight-through piece who's orientation stays the same each time.

1 month ago
This is pretty easy to solve each level. Here is the strategy I used: in the top right corner there is a button that looks like an "undo" icon and a number. Just keep hitting that until the puzzle is solved. Then you can stop.
1 month ago
Here's an easy solution to a Rubik's cube you might like: Take all the stickers off, and then re-apply them organizing colors by face of the cube.
1 month ago
I believe that's supposed to be how you see the solution, not a strategy to playing the game...
1 month ago
Just knowing how many steps away from solved it is is a big help. If only a few steps away each move has to improve the layout visibly and if not it's probably wrong and you can revert it before you get too far into the weeds.