Show HN: Mintraits – Personality test built with Claude
4 points
10 days ago
| HN
Hey Hn, Sami the maker here. I got into personality tests a few years ago and became pretty fascinated by the concept, like many who discovered the theory of 16 personalities. I built a more accessible version that would allow anyone to better understand where their behaviors or reactions come from. The theory itself is pretty controversial, but many people all over the world recognize themselves in it and have uncovered some patterns in their daily lives using that test. Jung first found out that people behave according to certain patterns and classified them in his book Psychological Types, and his work was then built upon by others. But the basic idea is we act and react to situations according to our particular personality type. And knowing that information can help us know more about our unconscious patterns and gain self-awareness The best usage you can make of this test is to better understand where certain toxic behaviors come from so you can act upon them and isolate them. I always grew frustrated with the tests in the market as they were not going deeper on certain subjects and most of the time were too general. By building this test, I wanted to make it more accessible to anyone interested in better understanding themselves and maybe becoming aware of some toxic patterns.
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