Show HN: Learn – A curated knowledge base for building your next startup
15 points
6 days ago
| HN
6 days ago
If you’re not the author of the content, are you paying the others who created the stuff you’re sharing as resources?

And secondly, is the content downloadable, or just links? Because if it’s downloadable, you’re charging people for the copyrighted works of others. Do you have their permission?

And if it’s not downloadable… you’re charging people 50 bucks for a bookmark folder?

I dunno dude, this feels sketchy

6 days ago
Thank you for your feedback.

These are just links. Nothing is downloadable, and I don't claim ownership of any of the content in the list.

I realize charging people for this seems a little unorthodox -- it's one of the reasons I posted this on HN before anything, to see what people think of it. Calling it a bookmark folder is a little underselling it; I've spent the better part of a decade collecting most of these links. When I built this, it felt like what I'm offering is the time and effort saved collecting this, instead of the actual content.

6 days ago
I think it's pretty reasonable and I'm probably your target audience. But I can see why some people won't think it is. And that's okay!

To be clear, I think it's reasonable as long as it's a one-time payment. A subscription would be a hard no.

6 days ago
This would be most helpful for someone just starting out, but not worth paying for someone halfway there. I'm already aware and familiar with many of the items on the list.

I also agree with the previous commenter, wheres the value add when the course looks like a glorified bookmarks list?

6 days ago
Your preview has a link to which is not archived
6 days ago
“Millions of content, but only a handful that's useful”

This doesn’t read right. Something is missing.
