Show HN: A YouTube videos course generator
3 points
6 days ago
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An exciting aspect of what I'm working on is that users can create their own playlists. For example, you can provide a description of what you're learning, such as a lesson title, and the pipeline will create a youtube playlist. Since the content is highly customized, it will be relevant and high-quality, matching current lessons or lectures in school or university.

I'm trying to find a product structure that users will find valuable and effective.

The web app is completely free to use right now as I figure out the best model.

6 days ago
Good luck with your project!

However, the biggest issue is quality of educational videos on YouTube. Most of the people are rambling too much and are jumping over things and not showing MVP projects/examples.

Here is a good example of tutorials done right:

Dude jumps right into the tutorial without any rambling.

Or here is another example at a slower pace which is great for beginner programmers:
