Show HN: Get candid feedback from your friends, family and coworkers
5 points
5 days ago
| HN
5 days ago
I've been frustrated lately by how rarely people give honest feedback. Most of the time, they’re too afraid of hurting our feelings. However, feedback is incredibly valuable for both personal and professional growth.

Inspired by the concept of Radical Candor (popularized by Kim Scott and Reed Hastings), I wanted to create a way for people to feel less hesitant about sharing candid feedback more openly.

The idea behind this tool is to gather feedback from multiple sources, then use AI to combine and anonymize it. This way, the feedback isn’t personally identifiable, making people more comfortable sharing what’s really on their minds.

Please give it a try, and let me know if you have any ideas for improvement.

Thanks, Marcel

5 days ago
Daydreamed about building exactly this a while back. I think your messaging is targeting the wrong side of the trust-building puzzle though - the more difficult to persuade party is the one you're requesting honesty from.
5 days ago
Thanks! That's really helpful feedback.

I agree, getting people to respond is not an easy challenge. I have some ideas in mind but first wanted to gauge general demand for such a tool.

5 days ago
I like this idea, but could you please provide some example screenshots of the workflow and response summaries? I don't want to pay $5 without knowing how it looks in the end.

eg just "This is what your recipients see. This is what they enter. After 3, this is the summary you get in the email."

5 days ago
Good point! Makes perfect sense. I’ll take care of that so it’s easier to visualize the user journey.
4 days ago
I like it! You're executing really well. You're keeping it simple. This is an important area.

Maybe have a lower bar, like a practice run, where you deliver candid feedback from an LLM. And then you say, now ask your friends, or something. So deliver me some mild value right away. Just an idea.

Here's my user test:

5 days ago
Looks interesting, looks like the key difference from is that AI summarises the feedback to help anonymise it. That's interesting - a classic pitfall is that the timing of the feedback can be way over-informative and effectively de-anonymise you in some cases.
5 days ago
Interesting link. I had not come across this tool yet. Thanks for the hint!

Seems like the creators of this have a very similar goal in mind, but looks like it got created before LLMs were a thing. I think adding AI to the mix makes this even more interesting.
