But I didn't love the choices for how to implement it here. Dynamic, reactive HTML can be a lot more declarative than this, and Observable is cool, but strays from standard JS.
I started to build a reactive HTML system called Heximal that eventually will have notebook support, but it's declarative, based on HTML templates and custom elements with a expression / reactivity system (based on the TC39 Signals proposal) on top.
It's a bit like a mashup of HTMX, Tangle, Curvenote, and Polymer. Or like HTML if were natively reactive.
I think it will lend it self to graphical editing and notebook user cases quite well.
The front end does but the underlying runtime is running just javascript, and the source code is basically javascript with some trivial macros which are fully captured in the MIT licensed acorn parser. That's why normal Javascript debugging expression work perfectly in Observablehq.
I love the Observable runtime. I wrote a decompiler for it so you can bidirectionally convert between the front end source and the compiled pure JS representation.
It seems like it might provide some kind of reactive signal abstraction, but modern signal libraries, and the TC39 Proposal, seem to do this in a lower-level and more ergonomic way.
Edit: yes seems like signals could be a major building block to do the recomputation part
Are you taking into account Observable Framework here? That came out in March and one of the major features was that it uses standard JavaScript, not the syntax hacks they invented for Observable Notebooks: https://observablehq.com/blog/observable-2-0#a-better-develo...
Personally, when wanting to do something similar[0], started with persistance, and of course this means files. Plain text files I can edit with my programmer's editor store and distribute using the file-system. This avoids the problem of having to recapitulate a programmers editor in the browser, which is non-trivial. In turn you have the problem of writing a fast server, but that is a rather fun problem to solve [1]. You side-stepped the problem by using basic content-editable sections, but it is a huge problem, second only to persistence.
One thing I see you face which I also faced is the fact you cannot export things from inside embedded scripts! This would be a nice feature to avoid mangling the global window object. (It would also, in my use case, make code generation easier.)
0 - Literate Markdown: https://simpatico.io/lit.md
1 - Reflector, what I call the small node server that transforms, zips and caches your markdown, with a filewatcher invalidator: https://simpatico.io/reflector
It's still not quite there as a platform for exploratory data analysis - you don't have the instant reactivity of either a fully-fledged web code editor from Observable Notebooks or the hot-reloading file-watching Observable Framework. And the new Jupyter Kernel for Deno + VSCode is a pretty smooth experience too.
So while I agree that the ergonomics for exploratory analysis is uhhhh bad, I don't think the _publishing_ ergonomics is that bad. In fact, they're good. It's just a single file! I don't need to maintain some massive toolchain or pay some 3rd party service to just send someone a graph and some data munging - I just lob a HTML file at someone over Slack or host it somewhere. And the flexibility to style the analysis means that you can publish in environments where styling is important (blogs, or as a research paper).
Thanks for the heads up about SliderServer btw, was experimenting with something similar with Jupyter: https://hello-notebook-http-mode.fly.dev/
I understand how we got here, but it's a shame that javascript frameworks and libraries aren't easier to just play with in the browser. It's just JS, you should be able to play with it quickly in a lightweight environment. This approach excels at that. This approach brings back the whimisical possibilities of HTML/JS. I'd love to see more stuff like that and less TS, rollup, webpack,...
edit:Actually after reading a bit, this is being proposed for data analysis. I think that's a poor fit for this approach
Isn't the point to have a unified platform to do exploratory data analysis which can then easily be published? It's not for throwaway Jupyter notebooks.
I think there's great value for an alternative to Jupyter notebooks that aren't just throwaway. The UX being really trash right now is something which can be improved IMO. The question is whether this setup is better than the JSON madness in Jupyter notebooks... I'm leaning yes personally.
I'm also working on some WYSIWYG component authoring and visual programming tools. It's all very exploratory still.
To follow along it seems you can just copy paste the given snippets and understand step by step how it works. If I wrote something like this, I guess I would use literate programming in org-mode and export to HTML, to make it a blog post.
I still question fonts with built-in syntax highlighting.
Anyway, here's an alternative that uses Observable for the hard parts."
You only need to setup one environment once and use it forever with minor incremental improvements as tech evolves.
If you are a n/vim user, you can accomplish this by:
1- Data exploration: text -> jupyter notebook via https://github.com/untitled-ai/jupyter_ascending that uses jupytext. This way, you can efficiently edit and run code from your text editor.
2- Writing: you can use https://github.com/lervag/vimtex for LaTeX
On top of these, you can use tmux with tmuxp to open projects instantly.
You can have a seamless process with Emacs using org mode [1] [2] and/or Auctex.
When I fire up OPs website, what technologies am I using?
Except, I do not like Python that much, I would rather use non-Python-centric tools. (That is why I talk about Raku and Mathematica.)
BTW, thanks for pointing to https://github.com/imbue-ai/jupyter_ascending !
Some recent work related to this done by Will Crichton:
https://willcrichton.net/nota/ https://willcrichton.net/notes/portable-epubs/
Kudos to the author.
I tried editing the pyodide one (which rendered fine before editing) on my phone (iphone 13 + brave) and it crashed and reloaded the page.
The article is documenting me trying to do that replication. What's it used for? @celine/celine (https://maxbo.me/celine) is the packaged product that I now use for some private articles that I've been writing.
Can this example be widened to use server side code (I am not too bothered about syntax highlighting as maybe can make a font for that) - but it would be great to have some kind of message layer (like zmq in Jupyter) to connect to a remote language kernel perhaps using web sockets???
Raku does not (yet) target wasm so that option is out.
There is also "RakuMode" for Mathematica: https://resources.wolframcloud.com/PacletRepository/resource...
Author: Nothing stopping you from forcing a Jupyter notebook to self-host itself: https://hello-notebook-http-mode.fly.dev/ . Then you can just use HTTP to send messages back and forth between the browser and the notebook.
> 3. Export to .pdf for distribution
I was certain you were using something like https://pagedjs.org or https://printcss.net for the PDF export, but its just the SydJS or am I missing something?