The JavaScript of this page does a lot of number crunching.
It is actually doing arithmetic on the Stern-Brocot tree. It is all written in ClojureScript and not really optimized yet. I mention in the paper that I do not even use TCO.
Anyway, thank you - and all the people here - for the kind words! I am so happy that my article was so well received today.
> I sketch how the stereographic projection of the Stern–Brocot tree forms an ordered binary tree of Pythagorean triples, which can be used to compute best approximations of turn angles of points on the circle and finally trigonometric functions
The permutation and stack problem in the page seem to indicate this is a potential method for approximations, but insufficient for _all_
That said I am reading this on mobile and may have missed something.
345 and 435 would require two binary trees.
"I sketch how the stereographic projection of the Stern–Brocot tree forms an ordered binary tree of Pythagorean triples ..."
... and ...
"Before that, I briefly recapitulate the classical enumeration of Pythagorean triples and the ternary Barning–Hall tree."
So this article is about the binary tree representation.