PRs Are Annoying
1 points
1 month ago
| HN
Is anyone working on AI solutions to make dealing with pull requests easier?

Does anyone else resonate?

1 month ago
“Annoying” describes an emotional reaction to a pull request, not a property of a PR. Rather than blaming PRs, think about why you get annoyed. What part of dealing with PRs frustrates you?

I would bet that many companies would like to sell an AI solution, sweeping the PR review and approval process under the rug so we can pretend something useful happened.

I review almost all PRs for my team (all but my own). Sometimes I think I have other tasks I would prefer working on, but reviewing PRs lets me see what other programmers did and discuss alternate solutions, or learn from their work. I think of it as an important part of my job, one of the reasons I get called Senior.

1 month ago
Like which part? Reviewing? Merging? Creating?
1 month ago
What's wrong with PR now?