> Can I post a job ad?
> (…)
> Another kind of job ad is reserved for YC-funded startups. These appear on the front page, but are not stories: they have no vote arrows, points, or comments. They begin part-way down² and fall steadily. Only one is on the front page at a time. The rest are listed at jobs³.
However, you can still voice your concerns about YC companies on other threads. Again from the FAQ:
> Are negative stories about YC suppressed on HN?
> No, we moderate less, not more⁴, when YC or a YC startup is the topic. The good will of the community is worth more than any story.
So go for it!
¹ https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html
² I think I remember reading they start in fourth place.
³ https://news.ycombinator.com/jobs
⁴ https://hn.algolia.com/?query=moderate%20less%20not%20more%2...
Posts about companies doing lame things get posted on HN all the time and many are quite popular and get plenty of discussion. There's usually at least one on the front page more or less daily.