I still enjoy CL for exploratory programming, but there are other languages I also reach for.
I've been humoring thoughts of transitioning professionally from Java to Common Lisp (CL specifically, not a Lisp like, e.g. Clojure) for a couple of years now, but I've always hit that wall of few to almost no job postings for it in Europe.
I'm aware of the "awesome Lisp companies" list, and the occasional posting, but other than a few shops, it seems to me that Common Lisp is professionally not a very fertile field. That always brings me to a stop, when I try to invest some extra time to it, as it has to fight other priorities with a reduced perceived RoI.
Is that a correct perception in 2025, and CL is really not a viable option for a career, or am I missing something crucial?
Horribly off topic, but: now that I am retired I thought that I would do all my experimental programming in Common Lisp and Racket, but in reality I am spending half my coding time using Python because of the ML, DL, and large language model tooling.
Also I don't think your OT remark is OT at all - it sort of demonstrates which domains have actual traction nowadays and why.
what, if anything, about what the GP says, do you not agree with? interested.
I liked the grandparent post’s opinion on Typescript: the type checking support can only help for very large projects.
Even with Python, I use Pendantic more often now, as well as type hints.
anyway, thanks.