since 2/24/2009
6049 karma
Hi, I'm David. If you have ever cursed at Promise or async/await in JavaScript, I'm sorry, I promise it's not (only) my fault! The same if you ever cursed at try! or ? in Rust!

Currently working on quantum computing at Pasqal, formerly at Element, Mozilla, Rust contributor. Enjoys tech and product challenges, performance programming, safety guarantees, systems programming, programming language design, distributed programming, static analysis, compilers, formal methods, back-ends, databases, ...

Also, science vulgarization, storytelling, improv acting, ...

D.O.Teller+hn@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidteller/ https://github.com/Yoric https://yoric.github.io meet.hn/city/fr-Lyon