since 7/24/2010
1673 karma
I write books and build things. Mostly related to computer security. Here are some things that may be of interest:

- My book Bulletproof TLS and PKI (https://www.feistyduck.com/books/bulletproof-tls-and-pki/) provides a comprehensive and practical coverage of SSL/TLS and PKI. The second edition was released in January 2022.

- I also maintain the free OpenSSL Cookbook, which focuses on command-line usage: https://www.feistyduck.com/books/openssl-cookbook/

- My startup Hardenize https://www.hardenize.com (now acquired by Red Sift) aims to help everyone deploy modern security standards by providing free assessments to everyone.

Previously, I built SSL Labs. Before that, ModSecurity.

[ my public key: https://keybase.io/ivanr; my proof: https://keybase.io/ivanr/sigs/LiVhyast_FE7MnLvqIDRD7yl-KGXtrEaGfBUX-K_6D0 ]