Going Buildless
71 points
4 months ago
| mxb.dev
| HN
4 months ago
If you are going to use a build tool and you decide to create a new one written in JS, then please write it in standard JS (i.e. what Web browsers implement; nothing to do with standardjs.com) that calls standardized APIs (again, all browsers—the things that everyone already has installed—implement them). Please don't code directly against e.g. proprietary Node APIs.

If you have a stupid simple HTML+CSS+JS project that nevertheless uses a build tool for some reason, a contributor should be able to clone the repo, open the README, read the instructions on how to build it and not encounter "first, install bun" (or whatever); in 90+% of cases, those instructions don't actually need be anything more complicated than "First, open the build script in a browser tab. Now drag and drop the project folder onto the build tool." You can double up and make that build script your README if you want—call it README.html.

It's baffling the numbers of folks who decided to focus on JS development because they wanted to draw on their familiarity/desire for developing for the browser and out of recognition that being able to create browser-based apps and deploy to users without making them install anything is a huge boon... and then went on to make a bunch of shoddy tooling that despite itself being nominally written in JS still requires you to download a bunch of other stuff to run it and doesn't leverage the standard JS runtime that everyone _already_ has installed.

4 months ago
Agreed. Too much stuff assumes NPM is available for installing things. I don't have NPM installed and I never want to install it either.
4 months ago
What languages do you use that don't have a package manager?
4 months ago
you don’t need to use npm to add packages to a JS project
4 months ago
you don't need to use a mouse to use a computer. But you probably do.
4 months ago
Rolling with your metaphor, trackpoints, trackpads, trackballs, digitisers, or touchscreens are strongly preferred by many, as mice have usability tradeoffs & problems by design.

Nobody here is arguing against code reuse (pointing devices).

4 months ago
Yeah, so they could have just answered my original question.
4 months ago
> What languages do you use that don't have a package manager?

> Yeah, so they could have just answered my original question.

That's not a real question, just you trying to be a know-it-all and failing miserably.

conflating dependency management with npm is your mistake, especially now with ESM. You can just do

  import React from "https://esm.sh/react"  
No NPM needed
4 months ago
NPM is literally a package manager. No conflation is needed.

No, I'm not. You just seem to think people are trying to be smart asses when they aren't. Don't try to quell curiosity with your cynicism. HN is a place for curiosity, let it be that way.

In the esm.sh case, esm.sh is a CDN that is a proxy to NPM (and a build tool).

The original commenter answered my questions. They use JS and TS with bazel. Which likely acts as a package manager for them, fetching packages from the npm registry for them - or the infra it uses does.

EDIT, since meiraleal edited their comment while I was replying, here is their original comment:

> conflating dependency management with npm is your mistake, especially now with ESM. You can just do > > import React from "https://esm.sh/react" No NPM needed > > What languages do you use that don't have a package manager? > > Yeah, so they could have just answered my original question. > > That's not a real question just you trying to be a smart ass, wrongly, and insisting on it.

4 months ago
> In the esm.sh case, esm.sh is a CDN that is a proxy to NPM (and a build tool).

No, esm.sh in this case is just an external source for a JS file that happens to mirror NPM because that's the JS files people want to download. It could be github.com, both, multiple sources, using sourcemaps or just local. There is no need for a central package manager to manage dependencies nor a build step in modern JS with ESM and that's way better than installing thousands of npm packages in your local machine for a hello world project.

4 months ago
> There is no need for a central package manager to manage dependencies nor a build step in modern JS with ESM and that's way better than installing thousands of npm packages in your local machine for a hello world project.

> for a hello world project.

I was coming at this from the perspective of real-world projects, sorry. The repo I work on most has over 4000 npm dependencies (including dev dependencies). There are even more in other repos from other teams that it depends on. If we had spread these out across a handful of sources (github, esm.sh, someone's random host, etc) I don't think an app of our size would ever see a day without some downtime*.

In real world applications spreading dependencies across domains results in multiple points of failure instead of one (npm registry), you also have a much harder time with security (especially around automated security tools and auditing), dependency versioning becomes a bit trickier, managing updates are harder, ESM packages are far from ubiquitous, etc. I do understand the sentiment; it'd be nice to import from wherever and have the same guarantees that a centralized package manager provides, but that's not how things are right now.

Maybe if you don't work in a large legacy app, or your systems don't need the security tools that have been built up around package managers, or you can afford increased load times from unbundled/unoptimized dependencies, the ESM dream works. But most significant apps can't go the "Vanilla JS" route. Sadly, "Vanilla" JS isn't as great as it can be, so leaning on tools to get the job done is great, and a centralized registry (with well-managed mirrors!) is a really great tool.

4 months ago
JavaScript and typescript.
4 months ago
Interesting. Do you write software professionally?
4 months ago
Yes. Full time frontend using typescript and angular, but without node or npm. We use bazel.
4 months ago
Are you using something like esm.sh, or does bazel download external packages and bundle them for you? Or via some other means?
4 months ago
Bazel is a build tool, not a dependency management tool.

There are no dynamic imports or downloads. You build from source.

Dependencies are merged into our monorepo very sparingly - angular is "batteries included" so you don't need to import hundreds of thousands of extra dependencies and transient-dependencies to build a functional site like you need to do with other frameworks. Left-pad issues simply do not happen this way.

4 months ago
The way many talk about it made me believe it is essentially an "everything" tool, and if it can't do something it's probably possible to extend it to do it.

And from what I've read (I haven't used it myself) Bazel has some internal and external dependency management built in. And there are many JS related build rules for Bazel (https://bazel.build/docs/bazel-and-javascript), and at least one of these looks like it would enable npm.

> Dependencies are merged into our monorepo very sparingly

Oh that must be nice. The project I'm working on (a browser extension) currently has 4083 dependencies (including dev dependencies).

4 months ago
> Oh that must be nice.


Just because the canonical approach at your org (or anywhere) is to use the NPM style of late-fetching dependencies to do an end-run around Git, that doesn't mean that you, personally can't take advantage of Git's branching model and its support for multiple remotes for your own, local benefit.

4 months ago

If I cared to have personal projects that still involve sitting a computer. These days I just prefer to go outside.

4 months ago
I wasn't talking about hobby projects. I was talking about your personal approach to your professional work.
4 months ago
Interesting, I'm not sure what you have in mind. There are 4000+ dependencies, using yarn workspaces, many are patched by `yarn`, extensive code security checks, PRs from forks introduce additionally complexity for reviewers, and probably a host of other "problems".

To be clear, the issue isn't npm/yarn, it's the sheer number of external dependencies that I loathe.

4 months ago
Please clarify how you'd be e.g. reading JS files in a Node.js/Bun/worker/function/etc without using Node.js (or any of those platform/runtime-specific platforms) APIs? I'm not sure I'm following.
4 months ago
"Drag the project folder onto that" probably means you're uploading the entire project, and them make the result downloadable (as e.g. tar.gz or zip), without ever having to directly interact with stuff like filesystem.

If that could be pulled off, it would be a great way to isolate the build process and prevent malicious packages or build tools from mucking with your system.

Does not look very realistic for projects of any considerable size though.

4 months ago
"upload" and "download" are misnomers, but yeah, pretty much.

To the original commenter: I don't recommend using Node. I said use the World Wide Wruntime instead. Even so, there's a difference between an app that might incidentally use an API somewhere down the line versus programming directly against that interface.

Look at the early versions of the TypeScript compiler. Here's 1.8: <https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/release-1.8/src...>

tsc doesn't care whether it's running on Node or in the browser or somewhere else. I think the TypeScript team originally bootstrapped it with the Windows Script Host JScript implementation (available pre-installed on all Windows machines) and didn't start using Node until later on.

The only thing the compiler cares about is that something implements the ts `System` interface, so the compiler can invoke e.g. the read-file operation (which belongs to `sys`, i.e. `sys.readFile`) and that it does what it's supposed to do. And it can use the method/capability for listing directory contents, the one for getting the arguments, and so on. That's all defined and implemented straightforwardly in a short file sys.ts.

Figure out what services (capabilities) your program actually needs and sketch out an interface that permits all those things. Then write your program against that interface. It'll make your program more readable, anyway.

> Does not look very realistic for projects of any considerable size though.

Define "realistic" (or "considerable size"). All of Firefox's non-core (i.e. not Gecko) components and the build phase involving them that produces the final release package (~90MB[1]) could probably work this way. (If anyone actually cared about it[2].) Maybe even VSCode, too.

Could you do this with any given project you stumble across on GitHub today? Maybe not, but that's because your average NPM programmer turns out programs that use entirely Too Much Fucking Code for what ultimately is just a todo app or whatever. I once benchmarked create-react-app's "hello world" exercise from a blank slate a few years ago. The numbers involved ended up with `node_modules/` taking up something like just under HALF A GIGABYTE of disk space. For a "hello world" app. That's nuts.

1. <https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/nightly/2024/09/2024-09-...>

2. <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41358029>

4 months ago
I feel like installing node is an incredibly low bar. I agree on the principle, but reality is that “first installing bun” is so damn easy that reality and principle diverge quickly.
4 months ago
Good luck installing bun on my locked work machine that doesn’t have bun cleared.
4 months ago
If your work machine doesn’t have the tools needed to perform your job, that’s a different problem than not having bun installed.
4 months ago
You haven't demonstrated anywhere that this word you're using—needed—is applicable to the context: bun, etc. being shoehorned into projects' build prereqs despite most projects not needing a separate runtime for doing anything the browser can't.

(Not everyone who's trying to use something on a work machine is doing it because it's a requirement of their job, either.)

4 months ago
Work machine = for doing work. I have no sympathy that you can’t install a toolset not required for your job, on a machine dedicated to doing your job.
4 months ago
You seem to specialize in half-thought out dismissals and one-liners.

Do you understand what "required" and "needed" mean?

4 months ago
If you’ve got a point, go ahead and make it.

If you just plan on brainlessly lecturing, feel free to go dump on someone’s else’s thread, friend.

4 months ago
The irony is breathtaking.
4 months ago
4 months ago
Does this system prevent you from installing node via nvm?
4 months ago
For now.
4 months ago
> Please don't code directly against e.g. proprietary Node APIs.

What Node APIs are proprietary?

4 months ago
All of them? You need to have node installed to use them.

Standard APIs work in chrome or Firefox or safari.

4 months ago
but you have to have chrome or Firefox or safari installed to use those APIs. What if you're somewhere that doesn't have any of those as an option?
4 months ago
The point I was making was that the standard APIs are standards implemented by many different runtimes/environments/browsers etc.

If you target specifically Node so that you can use the non-standard features that only Node has, then you can only use Node. Proprietary.

Target the standard APIs and you can use anything.

4 months ago
1000% on that.
4 months ago
This guy unironically wrote an entire article about how to "get simplicity back" and avoid using server-side processing by doing a bunch of crazy convoluted JavaScript crap which runs on "the edge" (i.e. a server).

You can't make this up.

4 months ago
Hedonic treadmill. Even the people who are old enough to remember what simple used to be like have had their pain thresholds reset by the intervening years. And then there’s a bunch of recent vintage senior people who don’t know any other way.
4 months ago
Most of my web projects these days are vanilla. I'd been dabbling on simple things for years, but it took a big leap a few months ago when I discovered Web Components are still a thing and have come a long way since 2012. We're finishing up re-writing an app at work that went from a ~17 dependency Vue app to a ~2 dependency (d3js) Web Component app. The codebase is a joy to work on. No more dependency hell. We don't even need npm. The code, as committed to git, will probably still run unmodified on browsers in 20 years. It's a great feeling.

A few tips:

* If you have a lot of JS files and want excellent performance you may still be able to skip a build step by leveraging `modulepreload`

* If you want some typing while still running without a build step, you can use JSDoc to embed TypeScript annotations for your JS[0].

* If you really want to have a mostly HTML site but don't want to manually duplicate code, I've had decent success with a technique I call "tuplates"[1][2]. Basically it's a very simple templating tool where the output is intended to be committed to git. It uses comments so it's language agnostic.

* If you go web components I highly recommend these best practices[3]. A lot of them were confusing for me at first but just keep them on your radar as you're learning.

[0]: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/jsdoc-supported...

[1]: Description: https://github.com/anderspitman/tuplates-js/blob/master/READ...

[2]: Latest implementation: https://github.com/anderspitman/tuplates

[3]: https://web.dev/articles/custom-elements-best-practices

4 months ago
I recently did something very similar with `m4`, putting file substitution commands in comments:

  // template.js:
  // m4_include(`my/script.js')

  usage: m4 --prefix-builtins template.js > filled.js
m4 is a nifty old tool, and it might be on your machine already. But props for arriving at your own solution.


4 months ago
I've seen m4 for stuff like this in the past, but it always looks so archaic and confusing that I never made it very far. Maybe I just need to force myself through a tutorial or something.

The main difference between tuplates and what you're doing is that the tuplates comments remain in the output. Which means you can run tuplates again on the same files and it simply replaces everything between your tuplate_start() and tuplate_end comments. This has a couple nice properties:

1. Your files are always valid code. There's no such thing as a template file that doesn't compile or run.

2. You can commit everything to git

4 months ago
Ah, great point. That's a nice feature, rerunning on the same file. And it's certainly simpler than m4.
4 months ago
One one feature is that tuplates.py can update itself since it works with URLs as well.

I forgot I have an example from a production site (https://lastlogin.net) if you're interested in seeing it in action: https://github.com/lastlogin-net/lastlogin.net

4 months ago
I made something very similar to tuplates - 0 build html templates.

I made a way to insert html into other html via a small js snippet, and you can add dynamic data by placing the dynamic data in data-attributes and using {} in the html template as a standin variable

4 months ago
I'm currently working on a dashboard-type SPA, with no build tools. Just a single file of HTML, a single file of CSS, a bunch of plain JS files with an import map, and a single dependency on d3 (also imported as a module). In total about 10Kloc.

I have to say, it's been a few years since I last did front-end dev work, and I was really pleasantly surprised by how much better CSS and Javascript became. All in all, it's been a really positive experience.

4 months ago
Yep. So far I have enjoyed using import maps to simplify builds where possible, and it's the default way to use Javascript with new Rails projects.
4 months ago
>The obvious tradeoff for a buildless workflow is performance. We use bundlers mostly to concatenate files for fewer network requests

generally small parallel requests perform better than large single requests in a modern situation - modern browsers, HTTP 2+ etc. - in my experience - but there can be a lot of caveats about that statement.

However the import statements in the css are not downloaded in parallel last time I checked - and probably never would be because of ways css works, so this using import statements inside css instead of having a build of a single css is actually the worst possible solution I think (ok there is probably something even worse that you could build if you really wanted to but worst "reasonable" solution)

4 months ago
The goal of buildless is to avoid friction in the code-build-test cycle. There are time cutoffs beyond which the human brain tries to multitask, and the multitasking involves making multiple adhoc estimates per hour, which we all know are always off by 2. Every three minute pause wants to become six.

So the trick is if you can keep the build to seconds you don’t change your workflow. Which means you might be able to pick one transpiler like Less, and throw a watch on it, and still be fine.

As long as, that is, you make a cultural decision not to go fucking nuts with the CSS. You need a low threshold for triggering tech debt cleanup.

4 months ago
I begrudging tried tailwind css recently. I was shocked to find that when using a CSS framework where you embed all of our styling in HTML, I STILL needed a css build process to do trivial things like customize the default link color.
4 months ago
Tailwind is a CSS build process. If you only want to customize the default link color it probably isn't the right choice. If you want to avoid a build step, it's also not the right choice.
4 months ago
for tailwind without build step check unocss
4 months ago
Tailwind is madness.
4 months ago
I didn't like it at first glance either but Tailwind is very sane. Every not-Tailwind approach I've encountered over the last 20 years has laughably and without exception fallen into the exact same problems that led to Tailwind being created: https://adamwathan.me/css-utility-classes-and-separation-of-...

If you're a solo dev, sure, you're free to do anything you want and nobody will balk or complain about you causing them extra work or having to clean up a mess later. If you're on a small project and the CSS will fit onto a couple sheets of A4 paper, you also won't have enough volume of code to see major benefit because you could just rewrite an entire UI of that scope from scratch in a few hours. But on a team working with a larger codebase Tailwind solves real problems in maintaining styles across developers and over longer periods of time.

4 months ago
How does inline utility classes help with not creating a mess with a team?

Merits of semantic classes and class hierarchies are very debatable. And CSS dropped the ball with style composition (which e.g. SCSS fixes). And media/container query ergonomics aren't ideal. But essentially hardcoding styles inline is a very weird reaction to these. A bit like "let's get rid of variables and hardcode values in functions because OOP inheritance caused a mess".

4 months ago
The article linked in the grandparent directly explains how utility classes are different from inline styles: there are infinitely many possibilities with inline styles; not so with utility classes. The empirical numbers in the article are fascinating. 400+ different colors in a single CSS project that’s supposed to be “semantic”. With utility classes, you are forced to choose from a finite set of colors.
4 months ago
That is not a matter of using inline utility classes. You can and probably should use e.g. CSS variables or @apply preprocessors to enforce a finite set of colors.
4 months ago
Eh, it fixes a different sort of madness in an elegant way. Tailwind has gained huge traction for good reason.

I’ll take its idiosyncrasies which take less than an hour or so to understand (spread across a few days of usage) as opposed to raw CSS which is a totally different sort of madness.

4 months ago
Apart from maybe container queries, Tailwind is little more than inline CSS style with a bit different syntax. The madness of CSS is not syntactic, and Tailwind doesn't really help with that.

I can see that Tailwind does prevent architecture astronauts going crazy. But that's a cultural issue, not technological.

4 months ago
Tailwind being little more than in-line CSS styles is like saying a ratchet just “turns things”.

It’s a fundamentally different way of working. It enables styling by a different set of principles than pure css.

Merely looking vaguely like inline styles does not make it so.

4 months ago
Except for CSS via Sass I have not used a build process in all these years.

And recently I rewrote our CSS to use modern syntax and nesting and variables and etc. - no more Sass!

It worked great but then customers started to complain and send messed up screenshots.

Turns out a lot of Android phones are using an older browser and a couple of customers were locked into old versions of Chrome by corporate policy.

Fortunately this was all nesting rules. So renaming the css file to scss and running it though Sass fixed the issues.

4 months ago
Hey wouldn't it be nice to go back to simpler times?

adds more complexity

4 months ago
I am going build less for a recent project. The main difference for me is jsdoc vs typescript. There was a large initial learning curve, and the syntax is ugly, and having to duplicate all my TS types from the backend as JS doc types on the front end sucks, but at the end of the day it does work.

I was surprised how well module imports work in modern browsers.

I've never used css preprocessors before, so that wasn't an issue for me. I also have never nested CSS files, so that also wasn't an issue for me.

Another pain point is not having type safety on my front end calls to my backend. With TS I could use Zod on the front end as well and have type checks in place before I make those API calls. While obviously js doc tries to ensure at compile time that things are the correct shape, that isn't the same level of assurance.

4 months ago
You can use typescript on plain js files, just for type checking, without the need of a build.
4 months ago
I guess you mean relying only on type inference? That will only get you so far. E.g. function parameters for freestanding functions would still be untyped. For those to be typed you need TypeScript or JSDoc annotations as OP noted.
4 months ago
Probably the OP meant “allowJs” and “noEmit” flags give you limited actual typechecking in your JS files
4 months ago
Exactly. You would use jsconfig in place of tsconfig, and disable the build just like you said. At that point you can use JSDoc for typing as well as .ts.d files when the JSDoc is not enough.

It's a bit more verbose, but overall I find it refreshing.

4 months ago
I'm already enabling @ts-check so they the jsdocs actually do something!
4 months ago
Esbuild in serve mode is a very good emulation of "buildless". Sad that its model, vs the usual fiddly file watching, isn't used more.
4 months ago
I'll always start vanilla / build-less with best intentions. In fact, I often start sans JS too if I can get away with it.

But inevitably the complexity of my projects increase. My patience with focus, refresh, review cycle crashes. My first stop is usually vite, just for hot reload at first, but then for raw imports, and I do like nested CSS. When I find myself beginning to roll my own reactivity I tend to read up on the latest state of vue and svelte and drop whichever one feels right into the mix. It goes on.

All with the best intentions.

4 months ago
i build websites with aurelia without buildtools. i just directly load the framework into the browser and use it. last i checked i saw a comment that claimed that svelte was supporting that too. it's not the default (it isn't with aurelia either) so you may have to search for a prebuilt version of svelte or vue, but there is no reason that big frameworks can't be used without a build step.
4 months ago
100% .. Vue at least doesn't require a build step. That may also be the case with Svelte 5? But there are optimisations that a build brings.
4 months ago
What is a build for? The article does not really articulate it.

* Dependency management (use libs so you dont have to write/maintain that code yourself) * Code generation (we use that for added typesafety: jOOQ the SQL eDSL, and OpenAPI3 for generated clients + server-side DTOs) * Compilation (compile higher-level languages with strong type-safety guarantees, e.g. Kotlin, Elm, Haskell, Rust, TypeScript; to lower-level or dyn-typed/quirky languages, e.g. JS, WASM, byte-code, binaries)

Three pretty important advantages!

Sure builds come with added complexity, so it is a trade off. But when carefully picking technologies this can greatly pay back the cost of complexity.

Now, if you compile, say, JS to JS (less to CSS) with brittle build tools such as npm (shell commands in a string in a JSON called packages.json), and low quality dependencies, then the advantage your build step probably negative.

4 months ago
Why do we avoid build tools again? Webdevs comes up with the most arbitrary goals, I swear to God.

Do you not run a script to deploy your software in whatever way? If you do then what's the difference if the script builds some things as well and not just uploading?

4 months ago
Articles like this remind me how little the browser environment has moved on in recent times. Now all the work is done by the frameworks.
4 months ago
You logged on via telnet, not ftp. And you tested with "telnet webserver 80".
4 months ago
2005 was definitely either ftp or ssh/scp mounts if working from Linux!
4 months ago
You were also forever recompiling modphp.
4 months ago
I sshed into my personal site vps this morning, created a file with vim, pasted in the html and added some styles by copying them from a php file in the same directory.

All on the server!

Do I get nerd creds now? <3
