Gleam Is Pragmatic
250 points
2 months ago
| HN
2 months ago
> I won’t fall into the trap of trying to define Monads in this post. Instead, let’s talk about monadic-style APIs – that is, APIs that allow you to do a bunch of things one after another, with the ability to use the result of a previous computation in the next computation, and also allows some logic to happen between steps.

Am I crazy, or did he just give a really good definition of monads in programming? I think that it benefits by not letting itself get bogged down in Category Theory nomenclature which doesn't actually matter when programming.

2 months ago
He described a problem people use monads to solve, not monads themselves.

Haskell people do talk about monadic vs. applicative combinators that are different by whether you can use the results of a previous step on the next ones. But that doesn't have a direct relation with the actual definition of those.

But yes, if you are teaching a programming language that uses monads to someone, you will probably want to explain the problem they solve, not the actual structures. As most things in math, the structures become obvious once you understand the problem.

2 months ago
It's a good description of one application of monads, which is often helpful to beginners if they have been thrown into real code without yet understanding the "why" of monads. If you look up "railway-oriented programming," you'll find more presentations of it.

I think it is a very practical place to start, especially for programmers who have been thrown into a codebase while still new with monads, because it helps them avoid a common mistake that plagues beginners: accidentally dropping error values on the non-success track. Often you simply want to drop values on the non-success track, and there are convenient idioms for doing so, but just as often, you need to examine those values so you can report failures, by returning metrics on validation failures, by providing the right status code in an HTTP response, etc. Railway-oriented programming is a vivid metaphor that reminds programmers that they need to make a decision about how to handle values on the other track.

2 months ago
No, this isn’t a good description of monads. It merely describes a case that shows up sometimes.
2 months ago
Dang, when I made this silly, little comment about FP, I didn't expect to get corrected by a legend in the field!

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

2 months ago
A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?
2 months ago
Yin the OOP world I’ve seen this pattern called chaining : usually either method or object chaining.
2 months ago
Smalltalk (and Dart) also have "cascading" which is method chaining with special supporting syntax e.g. in ST you'd send four different messages to the same object with something like

    scene add: sprite; 
          add: otherSprite;
          setBackGround: stage;
I'm not sure if it matches the "reuse values from previous computation" but it should since messages will affect the object, you just don't have local variables.
2 months ago
visual basic has the `with` statement for that
2 months ago
Nim has a similar `with` for the same use case. It can be handy!
2 months ago
It is using ';' instead of parenthesizing the messages to the objects, correct?
2 months ago
In Smalltalk, `;` does two things: terminates the current message (EDIT: while ignoring its return value) and propagates the target object of the current message as a target for the following message.

So this:

    scene add: sprite; 
          add: otherSprite;
          setBackGround: stage;
is equivalent to:

    scene add: sprite.
    scene add: otherSprite.
    scene setBackGround: stage.
    scene start.
In Dart, they use `..` prefix instead of `;` postfix:

    var paint = Paint()
      ..color =
      ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round
      ..strokeWidth = 5.0;    
You can model this with monads easily, but it's just one, very limited application of them - monads are much more general.
2 months ago
It's a style I really enjoy, and it's definitely not exclusive to one language or paradigm, exactly. I see it as more of less of a kind with pipelines in Unix shells, too.

In Scala, a language with OOP heritage and support, plus lots of functional programming features, some of the most common methods you use in such chains are monads.

2 months ago
Not really. The big important part of monads is flattening/unnesting the output.

Basically, if you can convert a `Foo<T>` into a `Foo<U>` by applying a function `T -> U`, it's a monoid. Think `map` or `fold`.

But if you can convert a `Foo<T>` into a `Foo<U>` by applying a function `T -> Foo<U>`, it's a monad. Flattening is "some logic", but not any logic, it's inherent to `Foo<>` itself.

2 months ago
Your point on unnesting is apt but don't you mean functor instead of monoid?
2 months ago
Yeah, you're right, I do. Thank you.
2 months ago
It's a good spit, some people used to describe them as "programmable semi colon" but while it's simple, it may be too short for most people to grasp.
2 months ago
I think you just fell into the trap.
2 months ago
The greatest power of BEAM-based languages is the fully preemptive actor model. Nobody else supports it. This is a superpower, the solution of most problems with concurrent programming.

In Erland and Elixir, actors and actor-based concurrency hold the central place in the corresponding ecosystems, well supported by extensive documentation.

In Gleam, actors and OTP are an afterthought. They are there somewhere, but underdocumented and abandoned.

2 months ago
This is exactly what I want from Gleam. It does seem to be under documented and abandoned. Is there any understanding of why? Like you say, this seems like a super power. I see so much potential. A language that’s ergonomic, pragmatic as the author says, great performance, low-ish barrier to entry, etc. It seems like it could be an awesome tool for building highly reliable software that’s not so difficult to maintain.
2 months ago
It is not abandoned, I am the maintainer. The documentation covers the APIs of the package but not the “zen” of the wider OTP framework, for that the official OTP documentation and existing books are recommended.
2 months ago
That’s great information, thanks. I seem to recall checking the commit history and it didn’t seem dead, but I’m also accustomed to experimental packages being dropped early and often. Do you want help with maintenance or are you doing this independently?
2 months ago
Contributions are very much welcome! Gleam is entirely a community project.
2 months ago
I'm not at that level yet, but I'd love to if I get there. I look at projects like these and wonder what the hell I've been doing with my career. Thanks for the invite!
2 months ago
OK, thanks! I will try to write something with it and perhaps come help with the documentation.
2 months ago
It is a very young language that may explain the why
2 months ago
Are there any articles that do a deeper dive into this? I ask because straight up I've been curious about Gleam, but not enough to do a really deep dive because Elixir is too good and, like Erlang, is a very special kind of dynamic language that doesn't leave me feel too lacking.

As I understand it, there have been a few "high profile" attempts to bring static typing to Erlang, all of which gave up when it came to typing messages. Your comment essentially confirms my bias, but is Gleam making real strides in solving this, or is it poised to merely cater to those who demand static-typing with curly braces--everything-else-be-dammed?

2 months ago
Sorry, the end of my comment is quite reductive. Compiling to JS is pretty nice.
2 months ago
this is Gleam OTP package

I agree it's underdocumented but doesn't seem abandoned (has commits in last week)

2 months ago
Hello! I’m the maintainer of the Gleam OTP library. It is not abandoned or an afterthought.
2 months ago
Don't be so modest!! You are the creator of the Gleam language as well.
2 months ago
Hi! Good to hear. Why it is not mentioned anywhere on the main site?
2 months ago
It is referenced in multiple places on the main site. The home page has a code snippet from it, though it does not go into any detail about any specific library.
2 months ago
I understand things best by comparing across different languages so don’t take this the wrong way but I wonder if you can help me understand: If say I start a goroutine in Go and give it a channel to use as a mailbox, concurrency in Go is cooperative but it’ll automatically use OS threads and yield whenever it reads from the channel. Does Erlang/OTP do something different? If so what does it do and what are the advantages? Or is it more that the library and ecosystem are built around this model?
2 months ago
I believe go yields after every function exit. Erlang does the same, but there are no loops (you must use tailcall) so you can't lock up the CPU with a while(true).
2 months ago
Erlang gives a reductions budget to processes. After a certain number of reductions, or if a process hits a yield point (like waiting to receive a message), the process will yield allowing another process to run.

Go uses preemption now (since 1.14), but it didn't always. It used to be that you could use a busy loop and that goroutine would never yield. Yield points include things like function entries, syscalls, and a few other points.

2 months ago
That used to be true, but no longer, goroutines are truly preëmptive, in 10ms time slices.
2 months ago
2 months ago
Gleam runs on the BEAM
2 months ago
It does. However, its actor implementation is not built upon Erlang/OTP, and currently is “experimental” and not even mentioned on the main site.
2 months ago
> its actor implementation is not built upon Erlang/OTP

This seems to be the opposite of pragmatic.

The most pragmatic approach to actors when you're building a BEAM language would be to write bindings for OTP and be done with it. This sounds kind of like building a JVM language with no intention of providing interop with the JVM ecosystem—yeah, the VM is good, but the ecosystem is what we're actually there for.

If you're building a BEAM language, why would you attempt to reimplement OTP?

2 months ago
Because of type safety. The OTP lib is already great, but there are still some things missing, most requested being named processes. But there is work being done to figure out how to best make it work for gleam.
2 months ago
The question of type safety has come up so often here that I guess it's worth replying:

That's exactly what I mean by this not seeming pragmatic. Pragmatic would be making do with partial type safety in order to be fully compatible with OTP. That's the much-maligned TypeScript approach, and it worked for TypeScript because it was pragmatic.

Now, maybe Gleam feels the need to take this approach because Elixir is already planning on filling the pragmatic gradually-typed BEAM language niche. That's fine if so!

2 months ago
Type safety is one of the goals of the language I don't see a reason to throw it out of the window now. I see what you mean, but the type system is one of the things that makes gleam pragmatic. If you really need some missing OTP feature you can super easily step into Erlang using FFI and get it. That's one of the reasons the article doesn't call gleam pure.
2 months ago
Gleam does not sacrifice OTP compatibility for type safety. It picks both.
2 months ago
And what has this approach gotten them? A language as complex as c++ and haskell combined, but that still has runtime type errors. A typescript backlash is coming.
2 months ago
It uses the same primitives as Erlang, the difference is that it exposes type safe APIs instead of untyped ones which you would get from using the Erlang abstractions.

It implements the same protocols and does not have any interop shortcomings.

2 months ago
I believe their implementation was written to support static typing (since Gleam is a statically-typed language).
2 months ago
I agree with the part about reusing OTP but some of the server syntax of Erlang and Elixir is not good IMHO. I never liked using those handle_* functions. Give them proper names and you cover nearly all the normal usage, which is mutating the internal state of a process (an object in other families of languages.) That would be the pragmatic choice, to lure Java, C++ programmers.
2 months ago
Elixir gives you Agent, which is what you want, but for reasons, Agent is a bad choice.

What you're not seeing with the handle_* functions is all the extra stuff in there that deals with, for example, "what if the thing you want to access is unavailable?". That's not really something that for example go is able to handle so easily.

2 months ago
What would be the proper name to handle a call other than handle_call?
2 months ago
This is Elixir syntax, not Gleam:

Instead of

  defmodule Robot do
    def handle_call(:get_state, _from, state) do
    def get_state() do, :get_state)
  robot = Robot.start_link()
just let me write (note the new flavor of def)

  defstatefulmodule Robot do
    def get_state() do
  robot = 
Possibly add a defsync / defasync flavor of function definition to declare when the caller has to wait for the result of the function.

The idea is that I don't have to do the job of the compiler. It should add the boilerplate during the compilation to BEAM bytecode.

I know that there are a number of other possible cases that the handle_* functions can accommodate and this code does not, but this object-oriented-style state management is the purpose of almost all the occurrences of GenServers in the code bases I saw. Unfortunately it's littered by handle_* boilerplate that hides the purpose of the code and as all code, adds bugs by itself.

So: add handle_* to BEAM languages for maximum control but also add a dumbed down version that's all we need almost anytime.

2 months ago
Ok, I kind of see what you're saying, but IMHO, you're trying to hide the central, enabling abstraction of BEAM environments, which is sending messages to other processes.

If you really don't like the get_state above, I think it'd make more sense to just ditch it, and use, :get_state) in places where you'd call robot.get_state(). Those three lines of definition don't seem to be doing you much good, and calling GenServer directly isn't too hard; I probably wouldn't write the underlying make_ref / monitor / send / receive / demonitor myself in the general case, but it can be useful sometimes.

In my experience with distributed Erlang, we'd have the server in one file, and the client in another; the exports for the client were the public api, and the handle_calls where the implementation. We'd often have a smidge of logic in the client, to pick the right pg to send messages to or whatever, so it useful to have that instead of just a gen_server:call in the calling code.

2 months ago
In the early days of Elixir what you are proposing here was popular[1], but over time the community largely decided it wasn't beneficial and I rarely see it any more.


2 months ago
IIRC the re-implementation was necessary for type-safety.
2 months ago
It is production ready and has been used for numerous non-trivial projects. Experimental in this context means there is expected to be API changes and feature additions in future.
2 months ago
Gleam's 1.0 release was in May and it's still adding major features.

JavaScript support looks interesting. Browsing the package repo, I don't see how to tell which packages are supported on Erlang's VM, when compiling to JavaScript, or both. JavaScript-specific documentation seems pretty thin so far?

2 months ago
You're right about the lack of FFI-specific docs, but Gleam is such a simple language that it's very workable.

I wrote Vleam[0], which allows writing Gleam inside Vue SFCs, and the experience was pretty good even without the docs.

You do have to sometime read the source of other Gleam packages to understand how things work, but again -- Gleam is so simple it's not too bad of an experience.


2 months ago
Most of the work for this has been done, the main missing piece is surfacing it in the UI, which someone will hopefully pick up soon.
2 months ago
This is a very concise overview! I have made a small example chat app [1] to explore two interesting aspects of gleam: BEAM OTP and compilation to javascript (typescript actually). If anyone is interested...


2 months ago
The `use` syntax is interesting - don't recall seeing anything similar before. But I'm struggling to understand how exactly it is executed and a glance at the Gleam docs didn't help.

Is the `use` statement blocking (in which case it doesn't seem that useful)? Or does it return immediately and then await at the point of use of the value it binds?

2 months ago
It is syntax sugar for CPS [1].


EDIT: I believe prior art is Koka's with statement:

2 months ago
Hmm, it definitely looks more interesting in combination with effect handlers. Still not sure I find it super compelling in Gleam vs just not using callbacks.
2 months ago
It’s a generalization of async/await syntax in languages like JavaScript or Swift. I like that it provides a generalized syntax that could be used for coroutines, generators, or async/await without adding any of those specifically to the language syntactically.

One level of callback nesting in a function is totally fine, two is a bit confusing, but if you have many async things going on do you really want 10, 15, 20 levels of nesting? What to do about loops?

I certainly greatly prefer async programming with async/await languages that keep the appearance of linear function execution to stacking my callbacks and having a ton of nesting everywhere

2 months ago
Sounds like the new “capabilities” stuff in Scala.
2 months ago
The equivalent in F# is let! (F# computation expressions are quite powerful); in rust the ? operator. Other languages have similar features.

It's syntactic sugar, but the readability is worth it

2 months ago
You can do something similar in OCaml (as an operator defined at the library level, not a specialized new syntax):
2 months ago
There's a great article by Erika on use, definitely recommended :)
2 months ago
I think it's similar to koka's 'with'.

2 months ago
Everything after the line containing '<-' happens in a callback.

Since it's a callback, I assume it's up to the function whether to call it, when to call it, and how many times to call it, so this can implement control statements.

I would guess that it also allows it to be async (when the callback isn't called until after an I/O operation).

2 months ago
It really reminds me of LiveScript's "back-calls" [1], which were a solution for callback hell in JS.


2 months ago
That was way more than a solution for callback hell. With some plumbing, you could get Continuation monad working! With no further support from the language, too. I really miss LiveScript, it's a shame its development stopped. If only it could emit TypeScript, it would still have a chance to fight back, I think.
2 months ago
Gleam looks nice but if an F# comparisons was added, I think that would come out ahead based on the authors priorities.
2 months ago
One thing I dislike with erlang based languages (both gleam and elixir) is that they use “<>” for string concatenation.

In F#, “<>” is the equivalent of “!=“. Postgres also uses <> for inequality so my queries and f# code have that consistency.

2 months ago
Ha, ok so I gotta give one of these "that's a really strange thing to get hung up on" responses.

Erlang and Elixir don't overload the `+` operator. In fact, they don't overload ANY operators. If you can forgive the syntactic choice of the operator itself (which I think it pretty fair considering Erlang predates Postgres by a decade and F# by two decades), this allows them to be dynamic while maintaining a pretty high level of runtime type safety. For example, one of the "subtle bugs" people refer to when criticizing dynamic languages (even strongly typed dynamic languages) is the following would work when both args are given strings or numbers:

    function add(a, b) { a + b }
Erlang/Elixir eliminate this particular subtle bug (and it goes beyond strings and numbers) since:

    def add(a, b), do: a + b
will only work on numbers and raise if given strings.
2 months ago
ML (which is the precursor to OCaml/f#), pascal, basic, and sql use <>. If you consider that <, <=, etc are used as comparison operators it makes sense for <> to be in that camp. I actually never thought of it that way.

Interesting table here highlighting old programming languages

2 months ago
It doesn’t predate sql and certainly not it’s use in mathematics. There are other options for concatenation so this is an unfortunate error.

Shouldn’t copy Erlang, otherwise might as well use it.

2 months ago
>It doesn’t predate sql and certainly not it’s use in mathematics.

What do you mean by "it's use in mathematics"? To my knowledge <> was invented by Algol language creators to use it for inequality. There was no previous use in mathematics. And to my opinion, that was an unfortunate error.

2 months ago
Interesting, must have learned it so long ago… Pascal? that I conflated it with math class. Still ~1958 is rather venerable.

The plot thickens, apparently ++ is used for erlang. So I still find it a poor choice.

2 months ago
++ is for concatenating lists, it's not the only functional language that uses this.

Really though who cares? `=` is already misused in most programming languages.

2 months ago
When looking at new languages, getting the basics right is the first thing I look at. Clumsy string concatenation is a blocker in my business, which is like 75% of the code.
2 months ago
Actually in Elixir when doing string building you want to use "improper" lists which lets you very efficiently build up a string without doing any copying.
2 months ago
Oh ha, duh me, I did not consider it wasn't invented by Postgres.
2 months ago
Oh really? What's the operator for adding two floating point numbers then?

The solution to type confusion is not separate operators for every type, it's static types!

2 months ago
Ha, I was going to mention this but there is none. `+` is for both ints and floats. OCaml, which is statically typed, has a separate operators for ints and floats, though.

I don't want to get into it but Erlang is dynamic by design. There have been several attempts to bring static typing to it over the years which have failed. People are still trying, though!

2 months ago
One thing I hate about F# and SQL is that they use <> as a "not equals" operator. In Haskell, <> is the binary operator of any Semigroup instance.
2 months ago
> One thing I dislike with erlang based languages (both gleam and elixir) is that they use “<>” for string concatenation.

Erlang doesn't use <> for concatenation so it's odd to name it in this comment, like that language and its developers have anything to do with your complaint. If it upsets you so much, lay it at the feet of the actual groups that chose <> for concatenation instead.

2 months ago
I just assumed it was an erlang thing since elixir and gleam both do it. Now it seems even more odd that erlang doesn’t do it but they both chose it.
2 months ago
- in Haskell <> is binary operator of a Monoid

- in Elixir <> is Binary concatenation operator. Concatenates two binaries. This seems like it might be kind of a joke, actually, purposefully confusing "binary operator" with "an operator that takes two binaries" for humorous effect?

- in Gleam <> is string concatenation operator

As far as I can see it, they are taking inspiration from Haskell, where <> denotes the monoid binary operation, one concrete example being in the monoid of Lists binary operator being list concatenation, of which String is one example.

But really, <> for inequality is also kind of dumb and nonstandard idea (from mathematical notation perspective), originating from Algol. != which C popularized is more clear, and corresponds to the mathematical symbol, of course =/= would be even more close, but that is one more character.

ML originally used <> for inequality, following the standard (in CS) of Algol, and it was Haskell which deviated from that tradition. So F# uses still Algol tradition, but Haskell uses /= and C and others use !=, for more mathematical and logical notation.

2 months ago
Well binaries are <<>> so that's consistent at least. And <<>> is quotation marks in several languages, including French.
2 months ago
Guillemets are not the same and have their own symbols.
2 months ago
Yeah, ok. Go back to 1986 and tell the Erlang team to go use Unicode guillemets
2 months ago
Gleam is from the past few years.
2 months ago
« and » are also the hyperoperators in perl6/raku

2 months ago
2 months ago
I don't like languages that use > a lot simply because if I accidentally paste a code snippet in my Bash shell it is likely to pipe to some file.

Also, <> was != in BASIC, I believe.

PS: Don't paste this comment in your shell.

2 months ago
F# inherits <> from ML, which inherits it from Algol, which invented it. But that was actually a bad idea, since it deviates from mathematical practice. To follow math, it would be better to use != as in C and those inspired by it, or /= as in Haskell. Or maybe even =/= if you really want to go for the mathy looking notation.

Elixir uses <> as an operator for concatenation of binaries, (which does form a monoid of course), not to be confused with how Haskell uses <> as a binary operator of a Monoid, but for sure inspired by it. And Gleam picked it up from them, probably, to use for a special case of a list monoid, String. And Haskell created <> for Monoid, because it would be too confusing to use multiplication sign for the binary operation like mathematicians do. It would not be ok in programming context.

2 months ago
Then Gleam (and others) use “|>” when piping with “|” would make more sense, except that’s a bit wise OR, not to be confused with “||” which is… string concatenation (in Postgres).
2 months ago
The author links to a blog post talking about railway oriented programming in f#.. it might be fair to assume they are aware of f#
2 months ago
All the more reason to include it in the comparison.
2 months ago
I converted the example on the Gleam home page [0] to F#:

    let spawn_task i =
        async {
            let n = string i
            printfn $"Hello from {n}"

    // Run loads of threads, no problem
    seq { 0..200_000 }
        |> spawn_task
        |> Async.Parallel
        |> Async.RunSynchronously
        |> ignore
The two are pretty similar, but I would give F# the nod on this one example because it doesn't actually have to create a list of 200,000 elements, doesn't require an explicit "main" function, and requires fewer brackets/parens.


2 months ago
The creation of a list in the Gleam example is a choice, you could replace 'list' with 'iterator' and it would be lazy.
2 months ago
Wow, this is a great overview. I’ve been playing with Gleam a bit and this was really helpful. I’ll definitely refer to this later.

I’d like to dig into the OTP library (I’m curious if anyone has worked with it much?) and create a state chart library with it, but I’m still firmly in the “I don’t totally get it” camp with a few parts of Gleam. I don’t deny that it’s pragmatic. Maybe it’s more so that I’m not up to speed on functional patterns in general. I was for years, but took a hiatus to write code for a game engine and supporting infrastructure. It was so Wild West, but I kind of liked it in the end. Lots of impure, imperative code, haha.

2 months ago
Most people use the OTP lib! There's this super useful intro repo:
2 months ago
Incredible, thank you so much! This is exactly what I need.
2 months ago
I've tried to get my head around functional programming and also OTP but I also just never got my head around it.

Functional programming seems too limiting and OTP seems more complicated than I would have hoped for a supposedly distributed concurrency system.

I'm sure it's just a skill issue on my part. Right now I'm way too rust-brained. I've heard lots of things about gleam being good for productivity but I don't feel unproductive writing web apps in Rust but I felt every unproductive trying to write a non-trivial web app in gleam

2 months ago
I agree. I've been trying to learn functional programming for years. My brain just doesn't get it. And I've actually built a non-trivial web app in Elm, and started trying to write one in Gleam and I was very very slow and unproductive. Eventually I gave up and wrote the whole thing in Go + TS for the frontend.

For Gleam I was trying to write the whole FE + BE in the same language - I really like that it can be compiled to JS, and I'm honestly sick of the whole React + seven thousand dependencies game, so I was using Lustre (an Elm-like library for Gleam). And again, I've programmed an app in Elm, after a lot of hair pulling, and in the end I didn't enjoy it that much.

I've gone through tutorials and I don't understand things like types having different wildly unrelated constructors, currying (I didn't notice much currying in Gleam but really disliked it in Elm, I cannot follow past the first or second arrow). For writing the front end of the app, I would make _zero_ progress unless referring to other Github projects (and it was hard to find any since Gleam was so new). Anyway, if someone has a book or something that can teach me this stuff it would be great. I want to use the OTP and a single language for FE/BE that's not JS. I'm not dumb, I've been programming since I was a little kid, but maybe I'm too stuck in imperative models.

2 months ago
Yeah FP can for sure take some getting used to before it clicks! I think a great resource for that is Gleam's Exercism track (, not only will it teach you the language but by starting with small-ish exercises it can definitely help grokking FP concepts

And if you feel like you're stuck and need help Gleam's Discord is a great place to ask questions :)

2 months ago
tried gleam but the fact i have to manually serialize/deserialize things, pretty annoying, that doesn't seem very pragmatic
2 months ago
Isn’t manual ser/de pretty common? I like it personally. Being explicit at program boundaries usually means far fewer bugs inside the program. In JS I can pile whatever JSON I want into an object, but eventually I need to throw Zod or something at it to tame the crazy.

Maybe a generic “pile this data into this value and pretend it’s safe” tool might be nice for prototyping.

2 months ago
i dont think manual ser/de is common at all, and languages like dart where it was used is a massive pain point for people so much that they are adding macros to the language and the first macro they add is for serialization. whats not explicit about saying hey i have a struct this is the data i expect, serialize/deseralize in this shape, validation is a another but separate concern. in javascript you are not doing anything manually so i'm not sure why thats an example?
2 months ago
I'm a bit confused. How can you control how your data is serialized if not manually? Are there languages that use some kind of magically-figures-it-out layer that negotiates the appropriate serialization on the fly?
2 months ago
Many languages have some kind of macro or codegen system that allows serializing or deserializing based on type definitions. Eg (pseudocode):

    class Person:
      id: int
      name: str
Would give you something like:

    def parse(s: str): Person: ...
    def print(p: Person): str: ...
2 months ago
I see, thanks. I thought maybe we were talking about the choice of json vs something else being automatic and chosen at runtime.
2 months ago
C# (or more precisely .NET libraries) does it using reflection. Attributes let you adjust the behaviour.
2 months ago
Or with build-time source generation (because this specific pattern of reflection is AOT-unfriendly). It's not as convenient if you are using default serializer options, but if you don't - it ties together JsonTypeInfo<T> and JsonSerializerOptions, so it ends up being a slightly terser way to write it. I do prefer the Rust-style serde annotations however.

  record User(string Name, DateOnly DoB);

  partial class SerializerContext: JsonSerializerContext;

  var user = new User("John", new(1984, 1, 1));
  var response = await http.PostAsJsonAsync(
    url, user, SerializerContext.Default.User);
2 months ago
Sorry I wasn’t clear; I meant to use JavaScript as an example where it isn’t manual.

Despite it being easy to use, I find I inevitably wind up requiring a lot of ceremony and effort to ensure it’s safe. I’m not a huge fan of automatic serialization in that it appears to work fine when sometimes it shouldn’t/won’t. I agree that it’s a lot of effort though. I guess the question is if you want the effort up front or later on. I prefer up front, I guess.

2 months ago
You either trust the input or you don't. If you don't trust your input you need validation like Zod anyway. Parsing untrusted data without validation in Rust or Go is not much better than in JS. You get the basic types checked, but that's all. You need to validate at the boundaries with Rust or Go just the same as with JS. It seems to me that many bloggers of new trendy languages are not aware of validation. A value for name is a string, but how about the length?
2 months ago
That’s a good distinction. I almost always include validation in the process, but you’re right, it’s not inherent to serialization.

In the JavaScript space, Effect offers an awesome package for ser/de which integrates validation. I think it’s my favourite tool in the ecosystem, but I prefer it over options in many other languages as well.

2 months ago
I agree that the stdlib decoder functions aren't the most ergonomic, but I think people are aware it's a pain point and there is development in that are, these two packages for example:

2 months ago
This is the biggest reason I cooled a bit on Gleam and whenever I want to do some backend stuff I'd much rather use Rust (using serde to convert to structs) or Elixir (put it in dynamic maps).

I wish Gleam would implement some kind of macro system, making a serde-like package possible.

2 months ago
This is one of the complaints people have with Elm too. Json.Encode/Decode is a pain
2 months ago
I understand why the `use` syntax is preferable for its generalizability to many different "callback style" things, but the whole construct of `use foo <- result.try(bar())` is so much worse than defining let* in ocaml and being able to write `let* foo = bar() in`...
2 months ago
What would you say makes it much worse?
2 months ago
> Running on the battle-tested Erlang virtual machine that powers planet-scale systems such as WhatsApp and Ericsson, Gleam is ready for workloads of any size.

Does a Gleam programmer in practice need to deal with Erlang? Do Erlang error messages leak through?

2 months ago
Pure Gleam will get you really far without having to touch any Erlang, I've done Gleam for almost a year now and there were very little cases where I needed to write Erlang code myself, usually there's already a library that deals with it for most common needs :)
2 months ago
Could you say something about the cases where you did need to write Erlang code?

What kind of cases? Were you already proficient in Erlang and its ecosystem?

2 months ago
> Could you say something about the cases where you did need to write Erlang code?

Sure! For one of my most used packages ( I needed to get the terminal width to display a nice output, that has to be implemented using FFI based on the specific runtime (erlang or js) so I had to write it in Erlang, that was just a couple of lines of code.

But now there's a Gleam package to do it, so if I were to rewrite it today I wouldn't even need to write Erlang for that and could just use that!

> What kind of cases?

Usually it is when you need some functionality that has to rely on specific things from the runtime (like IO operations, actors on the BEAM, async on the JS target, ...) and there's no package to do it already. Most of the common things (like file system operations and such) are already covered

> Were you already proficient in Erlang and its ecosystem?

Not at all :) I knew very little about Erlang (basically nothing behind the syntax), Gleam was my introduction to the BEAM ecosystem and it has worked out great so far!

Hope this is helpful, happy to share my experience here

2 months ago
2 months ago
That, ah, doesn't quite answer the question about error messages.
2 months ago
If you error from Erlang or Elixir you will get the error as those languages construct them, even if you call that code from Gleam. The Gleam build tool attempts to print them more nicely than Erlang does by default, but it cannot add additional information to them. Gleam runtime errors have more information attached to them.

In practice runtime errors in Gleam are rare. The one place you'll likely have to deal with poor Erlang errors is if you are writing Erlang code to create Gleam bindings to an existing Erlang library.

2 months ago
Doesn’t it compare mostly to F#, rather than Haskell or OCaml? The examples in the post really look like F# to me
2 months ago
Is there a way to implement matrix arithmetic with nice syntax (for instance, "A + B" to add two matrices A and B) in Gleam? The lack of ad-hoc polymorphism might paradoxically be a blessing.
2 months ago
newbie here, how does gleam compare to golang, rust and python?
2 months ago
It has some syntax similarities to Rust, but it has GC so there's no borrow checker (or any of the associated syntax). It is also fully immutable, unlike Rust. It leans heavily on sum types, just like Rust. Also expression-based syntax and some other things resemble Rust. However, it lacks Traits. Overall it looks Rust-ish but it's much simpler and has a functional focus.

With Go it shares a lazer focus on simplicity and preemptive channel-based concurrency. But of course for all the above reasons listed above it looks very different from Go in most other ways.

In many way its language choices are the opposite of Python (static types, immutability, massive concurrency is the norm).

2 months ago
It's not pragmatic if you have to import these basic libs:


import gleam/dict.{type Dict}

import gleam/int

import gleam/io

import gleam/result

import gleam/string


2 months ago
Why not?

What's wrong with a standard library the bits of which you want you choose to import?

2 months ago
I can understand having to import the "dirty" parts of the stdlib, like I/O, or the "heavy" parts, like Unicode or timezones. But why force someone to import every single type? Most functional languages have a prelude that covers the types every non-trivial program uses: booleans, numbers, strings, collections.
2 months ago
> But why force someone to import every single type?

That's not importing the types, it's importing a suite of functions related to the types. - gleam/int for example. The int type is already in the language and usable, this import brings in some specific functions that are related to operations on int.

2 months ago
Why not methods of the type?
2 months ago
The answer to "why not methods" would be because it doesn't have methods.
2 months ago
And why not?
2 months ago
Because they selected to make a functional, not OO, language based largely on BEAM which was designed for Erlang, a functional, not OO, language. Why would you make an OO language if your goal is to make a functional language?
2 months ago
Dogma not appreciated. Personally don't care if a lang is functional or OO, they aren't exclusive categories. For example, several OO langs have added functional features. Don't see why this one couldn't use static methods for its immutable types. Wouldn't hurt anything, would it?

As mentioned in this thread, having to import libraries to operate on basic types is suboptimal to say the least.

2 months ago
> Wouldn't hurt anything, would it?

One of Gleam's design goals is to not have multiple ways to do the same thing, so having to pick between using method chains or pipelines would work against that.

> having to import libraries to operate on basic types is suboptimal to say the least.

The language server will do this for you in a Gleam project.

2 months ago
I could imagine a method call done in a pipeline, but would have to work out the details. Maybe self/this or omit the variable name? Not sure how doable.

Folks recommended tools to alleviate Java verbosity back in the day as well. But you still have to read it—which unfortunately happens 100x more than writing.

2 months ago
Gleam dodges the problem by not having methods at all.

Totally. Gleam priorities reading over all else, and generally it is praised for being unusually easy to understand code written in it

2 months ago
It's not that it's wrong—at least I don't think so. It's that it's an example of a choice that is not pragmatic.

I suppose we should agree on what "pragmatic" even means, since it has become something of a cliché term in software engineering. To me, it roughly means "reflective of common and realistic use as opposed to possible or theoretical considerations".

So is having to import basic functionality a pragmatic design? I would argue no. Having to import basic functionality for integers, strings, and IO is not pragmatic in the sense that most realistic programs will use these things. As such, the vast majority of ordinary programs are burdened by extra steps that don't appear to net some other benefit.

Importing these very basic functionalities appeals to a more abstract or theoretical need for fine-grained control or minimalism. Maybe we don't want to use integers or strings in a certain code module. Maybe we want to compile Gleam to a microcontroller where the code needs to be spartan and freestanding.

These aren't pragmatic concerns in the context of the types of problems Gleam is designed to address.

To give a point of comparison, the Haskell prelude might be considered a pragmatic design choice, as can be seen from the article. It is a bundle of common or useful functionality that one expects to use in a majority of ordinary Haskell programs. One doesn't need to "import" the prelude; it's just there.

I don't personally find Gleam's design choice a bad one, and while GP was a bit flippant, I do agree that it is not an example of a pragmatic design choice.

2 months ago
Pragmatism is more than just giving people the quickest way to complete their task. There are other axes to consider, such as the simplicity of the compiler and the uniformity of the language experience. These contribute to the maintainability of the language itself and your own code also.

When the rule is "if you need a module, you must import it", and that applies equally to standard library modules, hex packages or your own internal modules, there are fewer mental overheads. The procedure is always the same. Incidentally, this also means that the Gleam language server can automatically add or remove import statements, which it now does [0].

Personally, I also find it pleasing that I can look at the top of a file and say "oh, this module appears to be doing some stuff with floating point math and strings". It often gives me an overview of what the module might be doing before I begin reading the detail.


2 months ago
I guess I don't entirely agree, but I do wonder why each import has to include 'gleam' in the path. Why can't it assume that the default path is 'gleam' and import libraries relative to that path. Like `import string` instead of having to do `import gleam/string`?
2 months ago
It's the namespace that belongs to the core team. It couldn't be just `string` etc as that would collide with existing Erlang modules.

Other Gleam libraries will use other namespaces.

2 months ago
The syntax doesn't look like it supports partial application? Big no-no. Also, no compilation to native code. Another big no-no.
2 months ago

These took me basically no time at all to find. Are you looking for something else for partial application?

2 months ago
Roc is a similar functional language that doesn't automatically curry functions and doesn't have partial application, the Roc FAQ has a few reasons:
2 months ago
EDIT: quick note, this is a tangent; Gleam does support partial application with `_` and it works with pipelines as well.

> This is not how it works in curried languages, however. In curried languages with a |> operator, the first expression still returns "Hello, World!" but the second one returns "World!Hello, " instead. This can be an unpleasant surprise for beginners, but even experienced users commonly find that this behavior is less useful than having both of these expressions evaluate to the same thing.

The upside (on the curried side) is that you can define `|>` as a normal function (even without lazy semantics, as in OCaml.) How much of an "upside" this is will vary, but note that this generalizes to many other operators that can be added. The rest is a matter of API design, i.e., the order of arguments and the use of named arguments (and/or other syntax sugar.) For example, in the case of the post's example:

    "Hello, "
    |> Str.concat "World!"
You can get the "beginner friendly" semantics with just a little change to the `Str.concat` (assuming named args support, using OCaml syntax):

    "Hello, "
    |> Str.concat ~rest:["World!"]

In non-curried languages, this has to be a macro (or it needs to be built-in). If you already have macros in your language - that's good: you can easily make `|>` do things like `x |> func(arg1, _, arg2)` and more. However, if you make this a special case in the language, it will be hard to extend and impossible to generalize. So personally, I'd grade the options in order of power and convenience:

    - infix macros
    - infix functions in curried languages
    - special, hardcoded |> operator
    - beating your language black and blue until you get a work-alike (like with implicits in Scala)
There's also a special category of languages where pipelines are primitives (shells, jq), but that is outside the scope of this comment, since they are more than syntactic sugar for function application :)
2 months ago
I don't even think curried functions by default is a good idea, but that article really made me support them. Richard Feldman is usually so reasonable, what happened? That's the worst argument I've seen in a while.