It's pretty clear we're screwed as a civilization. As tech gets more powerful, the same people making these offers as well as the same people doing cyberlockers, etc will do the same with bio-tech, nano-tech and anything else then can extort others with. They'll infect you with virus to which only they have the antidote, etc....
What are the good ways to be sent approximately this sum of money nowadays?
For receiving money, it would be great, for the same reasons.
(Also, I'm assuming that both bank accounts are in SEPA countries, or at the very least countries which use IBAN, because in my life, that's likely to be true.)
Can't even tell
Direct bank transfer (which above will support OR just a regular bank)
Requires trust yeah (except maybe the regular stripe credit card txn)
That way they'll get a free link for at least some amount of time, and if done at massive scales correctly, it could bump some site up the search results for long enough.
just hoping that some people will forget to unpublish the links after non-payment, or they'll get some links for a while at least
If the company is fake, it’s also possible they’ll pay you with a stolen credit card or hijacked PayPal account.
That's great for confirming the physical location of the SMTP server connecting to your own server.
>More generally, it's bad because it deceives readers into thinking this is an organic link.
This is a huge stretch. Somewhere on the order of 0% of the average blog readers would ever see the type of link used, let alone understand that “oh, that totally shoulda been a no-follow”.
Those aren’t for readers- they’re for robots.
Pretty sure the other side is not gonna pay it unless you follow through (i.e. they could always charge it back and claim you never delivered the invoiced service, heck they might do that even if you put up the link!)