I have a Node web socket backend because it started off as just a PvP experience, but I wanted people to be able to play a solo mode. That's where the Roguelike comes in. I still have plenty of features to go! But for now, it's an endless Roguelike where after each round, you get to upgrade a shop perk to make your character stronger.
I'd love to get some feedback! Feel free to try it out and ask any questions! No login or account needed.
And if you wanna see a quirky short of me putting it together: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8-ijQkKm3Ds
It seems interesting but unfortunately I am entirely confused on how to use it. Buttons don't work, the tutorial references highlighting that isn't happening, other buttons seem to require multiple presses to work (such as selecting rock, paper, or scissor).
I'm not able to play or even complete the tutorial.
Just constantly says `Waiting for other player...` and nothing on the page is interactable.
Looks like you should set a production ENV?
Please buy yourself a pop filter for your mic if you're going to mess with the gain
It seems the interest in the game itself is like the old poker maxim “play the man, not the cards”. Unless you have a relationship outside of the game with your opponent it is just a bit too abstract.
And as far as making it interesting, seems you went the graphics route. I sacrificed that and doubled down on extraneous mechanics. Hopefully it's working now so you can see the perk shop in action
Positives: Gameplay was snappy, audio was a nice touch, characters make it feel more competitive like you’re building up to a “boss” battle.
Glad you enjoyed the gameplay
I have a game mode called Survival Mode that includes everything I listed. It's far from ideal, but it's a work in progress